Wednesday 28 August 2013

The great dilemma: "ser" or "estar"

Today I am going to reveal the differences between the verbs "ser" and "estar" (in English "to be").

For beginners this difference seems to be a Spanish secret, but you will see with these tricks that you won't have more problems with them.

"Ser" is used for:

1. Permanent descriptions: María "es" guapa.
2. The time: "Son" las tres de la tarde.
3. Nationality: Yo "soy" español.
4. Belonging: Ese libro "es" mío.
5. Profession: Yo "soy" fotógrafo.
6. Material: La casa "es" de piedra.

"Estar" is used for:

1. Places: María "está" en Madrid / El colegio "está" cerca.
2. Temporal descriptions and situations: María "está" guapa / ¿Qué tal "estás"?
3. Gerundio (-ing): María "está" comiendo / Ellos "están" estudiando para el examen.

Memorize these rules and practice a little with your friends and "ser" and "estar" won't be a problem anymore :)

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